Cápac Inca (the mighty Inca).

The center of the empire and residence of the Incas was in Cuzco, Peru. The members of Inca society considered their rulers to be descendants and successors of Manco Cápac, mythological founder and cultural hero who introduced civilized life and on whom the legitimacy of the Inca political regime was based.

Inca's choice

The chronicles identify the Inca as the supreme ruler. However, access to this position did not have to do with the inheritance to the eldest son, but with the choice of the gods through very rigorous tests, to which the physical and moral aptitudes of the suitor were subjected. Such tests were accompanied by a complex ritual through which the god Inti nominated who should assume the Inca title. The god Inti, if he agreed, gave the power of rain to the future Inca.

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